The machine is by default setting up its own WiFi network, a hotspot. The name and password of the hotspot is the machine type + serial no. (found on the back of the machine). Duplimate2698 in the example shown to the right is the hotspot. Depending on what device you use to connect it can take long to set up the communication the first time.

See the page Secured hotspot if you for some reason want another password than the default.

Note that you should check (in your device's WiFi settings) that you have not enabled the Connect automatically option on any other network(s) than the machine's hotspot. On some devices you have to Forget all other networks within range to avoid that those take over. Right-click on the network that you want to Forget as shown in the illustration.

It can be that your device uses another frequency than the machine if you cannot connect. See further the service document WiFi_setting.pdf

You should try another channel if it takes long to connect to the channel, and  is a delay between the various screens. First try channel 11, then 6,

Note that you should wait for the new channel to become registered,

You cannot access Internet while you are connected to the network that the machine sets up.

You can instruct the machine to use your club's network. But please note that it is better to change to the hotspot that the machine sets up while duplicating, than using a network with a weak signal.

Select network
A list of networks is displayed when you click on the button Change Network. Click on the desired network to set it.

Other networks
You can click the button Other networks if your usual network would not appear in the list. Enter the desired network name in the dialog that appears.

You will need to enter the password for the selected network. Leave this field blank in the unlikely event that the network would not be password protected.

Confirm network setting
You need to confirm your setting by clicking the Yes button. Your new setting has been accepted when the New network setting message is displayed.

First you have to change your device's network to fit the new WiFi setting. Then you have to close the app and wait 90 seconds before you restart the app.

Several machines on the network
You will have to select one machine if there are several machines operating on the network.

You can revert to the default network (Duplimate2698 in the example) in two ways:

Change to default nw
Click the button Change network and select network Duplimate2698 as described above.

Force to factory default (hotspot)
Keep the last card counter blocked when the machine is powered (after being switched off) to force it to enable the hotspot with the default pw, Duplimate2698 in the example. The card must block (sit in) the last sensor as shown in the photo below until the bands move the inserted card to North's slot.

The machine will set up the factory default  WiFi network when the last counter has been blocked in the way described above. The network will in the example show up as Duplimate2698. Wait 90 seconds before restarting the app.

The process is shown in a short video.

Restarting the device that you use to operate the machine solves most problems. Normally it is sufficient to close the Duplimapp app and start it anew.

It can also be that you need to switch off WiFi momentarily (forcing your device to release the old session). Alternatively (the effect will be the same) you can connect another device momentarily. e.g. connect your phone if you use a computer. When the phone's Duplimapp has connected to the machine you can reconnect the computer.

See the Communication problems document if you need more advice.

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