Handrecords creates a .pdf file that can be emailed and printed.
HEADERS One or several headlines can be enabled in the Handrecords layout dialog. The normal usage is to enter recurring headline data (e.g. club name) in that dialog. How to do this is explained on a separate page.
LAYOUT You can change the filled in From/to board parameters if only a fraction of the deals are to be printed.
The layout name The current event is displayed in the upper part of the layout name field. A click in this (upper) part displays a list of all layouts in the system, c.f. the illustration below to the right.
Edit layout The Handrecords layout dialog is displayed when you click Edit, c.f. a separate page for explanations.
New layout Click this button if none of the existing layouts fit your need, c.f. the Handrecords layout page.
Delete layout See the Delete page.
OUTPUT The recommendation is to email the file if you cannot connect the device that you are using to a printer. See a separate page if you use Windows.
GO The handrecords will be created at Go and an email created if that is ticked and emailing is possible from the device that you use.