SELECTING DEAL NO. The arrows are used to navigate between the deals. A click on the right (green) arrow gives the next deal in sequence.
A click on the left (red) arrow gives the previous deal in sequence.
THE DEAL The cards are only shown if you have ticked "Show deals" in the Settings dialog.
BOARDS TO MAKE The boards in the ongoing set that remains to make are shown in a matrix.
MADE The screen will show Made sets (as shown in the first illustration above) if you have set copies before switch to one (1). If you have set the copies before switch parameter to a bigger value (than 1) it will instead show how many copies of the current board that have been made.
MAKABLE & OPTIMUM Will only show if you have selected Show makable in Settings.
NO DESIGN The No design message is displayed if you have a BridgeSorter and have not selected at least one design, c.f. the Designs page.