Restricted dealing gives you a possibility to tailor make deals.

means that at least one player's cards must meet the criteria.

N/S or E/W means that at least one player in the partnership must meet the criteria.

N/S/E/W  means that the selected player's cards must meet the criteria.

   more than 6 cards in the suit
<6   less than 6 cards in the suit
-6   up to and including 6 cards in the suit
6-   6 cards or more in the suit
4-7   4, 5, 6 or 7 cards in the suit
8   exactly 8 cards in the suit

No length specified
Note that "987xxxx" with unspecified (blank) length will result in a suit that has at least 7 cards (i.e. you can get suits with 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 cards as well). You need to enter 7 as length if you want exactly 987xxxx in the suit.

(or a); K (or k); Q (or q); J (or j); T (or t); 9; 8; 7; 6; 5; 4; 3; and/or 2 requires the card(s) in the selected position
XXX (or xxx)   Require 3 small cards (6, or lower) in the position
HH (or hh) Requires 2 HCP cards (A, K, Q, J) in the position
Hxxxx requires one HCP card and four small

There are some basics checks that your requirements are not impossible to fulfil. One position can for example not hold more that 13 cards and you will be warned if you enter a 5/4/3/2 pattern. <5/<4/3/2 will similarly trig the warning (too few cards). It must be possible to deal hands with 40 HCP. No card can be excluded from all positions, etc.

Next to impossible
Some distributions are very rare. You will for example have to wait long before you will find a deal where East has 26 HCP without the spade A and North has 12 spades. It will probably be faster to type such deals.

(or a); K (or k); Q (or q); J (or j); T (or t); 9; 8; 7; 6; 5; 4;
3 and/or; 2 requires that the card(s) is not dealt to the selected position.

   More than 20 HCPs
<20   Less than 20 HCPs
-20   up to and including 20 HCPs
20-   20 HCPs or more
15-17   15, 16 or 17 HCPs
15   exactly 15 HCPs

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